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The Corporation
Country Dances, Ancient and Modern

Dances in Multiple Calculated Figures (Gary Roodman, 1999)

16 Progressive

Henry's HornpipeGary Roodman 1999New Friends
MGM and Reunion
Duple Minor
True KitGary Roodman 1999Old Friends
MGM and Reunion
Duple Minor

20 Progressive

Bach HumbugGary Roodman 1999Fast Friends
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
Stride StatelyGary Roodman 1999Fast Friends
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor

24 Progressive

The HomecomingGary Roodman 1999Old Friends
MGM and Reunion
Duple Minor

30 Progressive

SarahGary Roodman 1999Old Friends
MGM and Reunion
Duple Minor

31 Progressive

Woodlands WaltzGary Roodman 1999no musicBecket CCW

32 Non-Progressive

Emerald IsleGary Roodman 1999no musicBecket

32 Progressive

Birthday JubileeGary Roodman 1999Good Friends
Cilantrio (Karen Axelrod, Peter Barnes, and Mary Lea)
Triple Minor
Camp House HornpipeGary Roodman 1999no musicDuple Minor
A Double DuetGary Roodman 1999New Friends
MGM and Reunion
Duple Minor
Happily Emma AfterGary Roodman 1999no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 312
Joy for our two MurrowsGary Roodman 1999Good Friends
Cilantrio (Karen Axelrod, Peter Barnes, and Mary Lea)
Triple Minor
A Mover and ShakerGary Roodman 1999Good Friends
Cilantrio (Karen Axelrod, Peter Barnes, and Mary Lea)
Duple Minor
The Wrights of LichfieldGary Roodman 1999Old Friends
MGM and Reunion
3 Couple Longways permutation: 312

38 Progressive

Merry Boyce and GirlsGary Roodman 1999no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 2413

40 Progressive

A Retiring FellowGary Roodman 1999Old Friends
MGM and Reunion
4 Couple Longways permutation: 3142
of dances
of interpretations
with music

This website is copyright © 2021-2025 by George W. Williams V
Creative Commons License My work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Most of the dances have more restrictive licensing, see my notes on copyright, the individual dance pages should mention when some rights are waived.