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The Corporation
Country Dances, Ancient and Modern

Dances by John Playford (website)

Table of Contents

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W


The 29th of May
The 29th of May ~ HumeJohn Playford 1686
Colin Hume 1995
Colin HumeDuple Minor
The 29th of May ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1686
Pat Shaw (mod) ~1965
no musicDuple Minor
The 29th of May ~ SharpJohn Playford 1686
Cecil Sharp 1911
Colin HumeDuple Minor


À la Mode de France
À la Mode de France ~ BarracloughJohn Playford 1651
Michael Barraclogh ~1995
no music4 Couple Longways
À la Mode de France ~ PalmerJohn Playford 1651
William Palmer 1987
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 4312
À la Mode de France ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1651
Pat Shaw 1964
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 4312
À la Mode de France ~ Playford BallJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp (mod) 1911 Playford Ball
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 4312
À la Mode de France ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 4312
À la Mode de France ~ WilliamsJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2022
no music4 Couple Longways
Abergenny ~ HumeJohn Playford 1657
Colin Hume 1995
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
Abergenny ~ KennedyJohn Playford 1657
Douglas & Helen Kennedy (mod) 1929
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
Adson's Saraband
Adson's Saraband ~ Playford BallJohn Playford 1651
The Playford Ball 1994 Playford Ball
Brett Larsen3 Couple Longways
Adson's Saraband ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
Brett Larsen3 Couple Longways
All in a Garden Green
All in a Garden Green ~ ModernJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
All in a Garden Green ~ PlayfordJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no music3 Couple Longways
AltheaJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1912
Colin HumeFacing Couples Becket
Amarillis ~ Playford BallJohn Playford 1670
The Playford Ball 1994 Playford Ball
At the Ball
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
Amarillis ~ SharpJohn Playford 1670
Cecil Sharp 1911
At the Ball
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
Anniseed Water RobinJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicDuple Minor
Argeers ~ Playford BallJohn Playford 1651
The Playford Ball 1994 Playford Ball
At Home
Bare Necessities
Facing Couples
Argeers ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
At Home
Bare Necessities
Facing Couples
The Asparagus GardenJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicFacing Couples Becket
Ay Me
Ay Me ~ CallensJohn Playford 1651
Philippe Callens ~2018
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
Ay Me ~ Playford BallJohn Playford 1651
The Playford Ball 1994 Playford Ball
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
Ay Me ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
Aye Me
Aye Me ~ CallensJohn Playford 1651
Philippe Callens ~2018
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
Aye Me ~ Playford BallJohn Playford 1651
The Playford Ball 1994 Playford Ball
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
Aye Me ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways


The BathJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2021
no musicDuple Minor
The Beggar BoyJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
By Choice
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways
The Beginning of the WorldJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1916 Playford Ball
Colin HumeCircle as many as will
Bellamira ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1689
Charles Bolton 1985
More Favorites of the Boston Centre
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
Bellamira ~ HumeJohn Playford 1689
Colin Hume 1995
More Favorites of the Boston Centre
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
Bellamira ~ KennedyJohn Playford 1689
Douglas & Helen Kennedy 1929 Playford Assembly
More Favorites of the Boston Centre
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
Bellamira ~ Kennedy/BoltonJohn Playford 1689
Comparing Douglas & Helen Kennedy (1929) Charles Bolton (1985)
no musicSquare
Black and GrayJohn Playford 1686
Andrew Shaw 2009
Colin HumeTriple Minor
Black and GreyJohn Playford 1686
Andrew Shaw 2009
Colin HumeTriple Minor
Black JackJohn Playford 1670
Cecil Sharp 1911
no musicDuple Minor
The Black Nag
The Black Nag ~ BarracloughJohn Playford 1657
Michael Barraclough ~2017
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
The Black Nag ~ SharpJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
The Black Nagg
The Black Nagg ~ BarracloughJohn Playford 1657
Michael Barraclough ~2017
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
The Black Nagg ~ SharpJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
Blew BreechesJohn Playford 1652
George Williams 2022
no music4 Couple Longways
Blew CapJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2021
no music3 Couple Longways
Blew Cap for MeJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2021
no music3 Couple Longways
Blue BreechesJohn Playford 1652
George Williams 2022
no music4 Couple Longways
Blue Cap for MeJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2021
no music3 Couple Longways
The Boatman
The Boatman ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1651
Pat Shaw 1966
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways
The Boatman ~ Playford BallJohn Playford 1651
The Playford Ball 1994 Playford Ball
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways
The Boatman ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways
Bonny DundeeJohn Playford 1688
Pat Shaw 1962
no musicDuple Minor
Bouzer CastleJohn Playford 1679
Bernard Bentley 1980
no musicDuple Minor
Broom, The Bonny, Bonny Broom
Broom, The Bonny, Bonny Broom ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1651
Pat Shaw 1972
At Home
Bare Necessities
4 Couple Longways
Broom, The Bonny, Bonny Broom ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912 Playford Ball
At Home
Bare Necessities
4 Couple Longways
Buckingham House 1657John Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1912 Playford Ball
At Home
Bare Necessities


Cast a BellJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2021
no musicDuple Minor
Catching of FleasJohn Playford 1670
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicDuple Minor
Catching of QuailsJohn Playford 1670
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicSquare
Cheerily and Merrily
Cheerily and Merrily ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1991 Playford Assembly
no music4 Couple Longways
Cheerily and Merrily ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911
no music4 Couple Longways
Chelsea Reach
Chelsea Reach ~ HumeJohn Playford 1657
Colin Hume 2013
At Home
Bare Necessities
Chelsea Reach ~ SharpJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1912 Playford Ball
At Home
Bare Necessities
The Cherping of the LarkJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2021
no music4 Couple Longways
ChestnutJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways
The Chirping of the LarkJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2021
no music4 Couple Longways
Chirping of the Nightingale - PlayfordJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2919
no musicCircle as many as will
Christ-Church Bells in OxonJohn Playford 1679
Cecil Sharp 1916 Playford Ball
no musicDuple Minor
Cold and RawJohn Playford 1689
Cecil Sharp 1916 Playford Ball
no musicDuple Minor
Cold and Raw
Cold and Raw ~ RSCDSJohn Playford 1689
RSCDS 1929
no musicJ8×24 2C/4C
Cold and Raw #1John Playford 1689
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor
Confesse, his Tune
Confesse, his Tune ~ Cecil SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
Colin HumeCustom3 permutation: 121
Confesse, his Tune ~ HumeJohn Playford 1651Colin HumeCustom3 permutation: 121
Confesse, his Tune ~ PalmerJohn Playford 1651
William Palmer 1987 Playford Ball
Colin HumeCustom3 permutation: 121
Confesse, his Tune ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1651Colin HumeCustom3 permutation: 121
The Country CollJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor
The Court Lady
The Court Lady ~ Cecil SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
Colin HumeCustom3 permutation: 121
The Court Lady ~ PalmerJohn Playford 1651
William Palmer 1987 Playford Ball
Colin HumeCustom3 permutation: 121
The Court Lady ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1651Colin HumeCustom3 permutation: 121
Cupid's Garden
Cupid's GardenJohn Playford 1688
Colin Hume 2020
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Cupid's Garden ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1688
Charles Bolton 1989
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways permutation: 312


DaphneJohn Playford 1651
Tom Cook Playford Assembly
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 2413
DargasonJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
Dissembling LoveJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1922
no music3 Couple Longways
Don PedroJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor
Dove's FigaryJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways
Drive the Cold Winter Away
Drive the Cold Winter Away ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 2003
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Drive the Cold Winter Away ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1922
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
Dull Sir JohnJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911
no musicSquare
Durham StableJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no music3 Couple Longways


Edinburgh Castle
Edinburgh Castle ~ HumeJohn Playford 1651
Colin Hume 2023
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
Edinburgh Castle ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916 Playford Ball
Strong Roots
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways
Epping ForestJohn Playford 1670
Cecil Sharp 1922 Playford Ball
At Home
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Circle
Excuse Me
Excuse Me ~ BarracloughJohn Playford 1686
Barraclough 1978
no musicDuple Minor
Excuse Me ~ CallensJohn Playford 1686
Philippe Callens 2002
no musicDuple Minor
Excuse Me ~ ChristianJohn Playford 1686
Graham Christian 2001 Playford Assembly
no musicDuple Minor
Excuse Me ~ NealJohn Playford 1686
John & William Neal 1726
no musicDuple Minor
Excuse Me ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1686
Pat Shaw 1963
no musicDuple Minor


Fain I Would
Fain I Would ~ HumeJohn Playford 1651
Colin Hume
At Home
Bare Necessities
Fain I Would ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912 Playford Ball
At Home
Bare Necessities
The Fine CompanionJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
no musicSquare
The Fit's Come on Me NowJohn Playford 1686
Cecil Sharp 1916
no musicDuple Minor
Fourpence, Ha'penny, Farthing #1John Playford 1688
Cecil Sharp 1922
Mrs. Beveridge's Triumph
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
The Friar and the NunJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
Colin HumeDuple Minor
The Friar in the WellJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1922 Playford Ball
no music6 Couple Longways
The Fryar and the NunJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
Colin HumeDuple Minor


The Galloping Nag ~ 2John Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
The GarterJohn Playford 1688
Tom Cook ~1980
no musicDuple Minor
Gathering PeascodsJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
Colin HumeCircle as many as will
Gelding of the DevilJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1916
no music3 Couple Circle
Ginnie PugJohn Playford 1657
Tom Cook 1975
no musicDuple Minor
The Glory of the West
The Glory of the West ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 2000
no musicFacing Couples
The Glory of the West ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911
no musicFacing Couples
The Green Man ~ PlayfordJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no music3 Couple Longways
Green Sleeves and Pudding PiesJohn Playford 1686no musicTriple Minor
Green StockingsJohn Playford 1675
Tom Cook (mod) 1975
no musicDuple Minor
Green-Goose FairJohn Playford 1652
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no music4 Couple Longways
Grimstock ~ HumeJohn Playford 1651
Colin Hume 2020
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
Grimstock ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
Guinea PigJohn Playford 1657
Tom Cook 1975
no musicDuple Minor
The GunJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor


Half Hannikin Meets Lord of CarnarvanJohn Playford 1651
Bob Lilley 2013
no musicDuple Minor
Half Panickin'John Playford 1651
Bob Lilley 2013
no musicDuple Minor
Halfe Hannikin
Halfe Hannikin ~ CookJohn Playford 1651
Tom Cook
Colin HumeCircle as many as will
Halfe Hannikin ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916 Playford Assembly
Colin HumeCircle as many as will
Have at thy Coat, Old WomanJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2021
no musicDuple Minor
The Health
The Health ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1651
Pat Shaw 1964
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
The Health ~ Sharp#1John Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
The Health ~ Sharp#2John Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916 Playford Ball
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
Hedge-LaneJohn Playford 1679
Andrew Shaw 2017
no musicDuple Minor
Hemp-DresserJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1986
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 2413
Hey Boys, up we GoJohn Playford 1679
Douglas & Helen Kennedy 1929
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
Hide ParkeJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912 Playford Ball
At Home
Bare Necessities
Hit and Misse
Hit and Misse ~ HumeJohn Playford 1651
Colin Hume 2023
Colin HumeFacing Couples
Hit and Misse ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916 Playford Ball
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
Facing Couples
Hit or Miss
Hit or MissJohn Playford 1651
Colin Hume 2023
Colin HumeFacing Couples
Hit or MissJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916 Playford Ball
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
Facing Couples
Hockley in the HoleJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 2341
Hunsdon HouseJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1912 Playford Ball
At Home
Bare Necessities
Hyde ParkJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912 Playford Ball
At Home
Bare Necessities


I Loved Thee once, I Love no MoreJohn Playford 1652
George Williams 2022
no music4 Couple Longways
I'le love no moreJohn Playford 1652
George Williams 2022
no music4 Couple Longways
If all the World were Paper
If all the World were Paper ~ P. ShawJohn Playford 1651
Pat Shaw 1964 Playford Assembly
Colin HumeSquare
If all the World were Paper ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912 Playford Assembly
Colin HumeSquare
The Irish LadyJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicDuple Minor
Irish TrotJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicDuple Minor


Jack's Health
Jack's Health ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1679
Charles Bolton ~2004 Playford Assembly
no musicDuple Minor
Jack's Health ~ HumeJohn Playford 1679
Colin Hume 2024
Colin HumeDuple Minor
Jack-a-LentJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1922
no music3 Couple Longways
Jamaica ~ CookJohn Playford 1670
Tom Cook
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways permutation: 2413
Jamaica ~ HumeJohn Playford 1670
Colin Hume ~2000
Colin HumeDuple Minor
Jamaica ~ Hume, Old Style ProgressionJohn Playford 1670
Colin Hume ~2000
Colin Hume5 Couple Longways
Jamaica ~ Playford BallJohn Playford 1670
The Playford Ball 1994 Playford Ball
Colin HumeDuple Minor
Jamaica ~ SharpJohn Playford 1670
Cecil Sharp 1911
no musicDuple Minor
Jenny Come Tie My Cravat
Jenny Come Tie My Cravat ~ HumeJohn Playford 1687
Colin Hume 1995
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Jenny Come Tie My Cravat ~ Hume (3 in 5)John Playford 1687
Colin Hume 1995
Colin HumeTriple Minor
Jenny Come Tie My Cravat ~ Hume (Quadruple)John Playford 1687
Colin Hume 1995
Colin HumeQuadruple Minor
Jenny Come Tie My Cravat ~ Hume (Triple)John Playford 1687
Colin Hume 1995
Colin HumeTriple Minor
Jenny Come Tie My Cravat ~ SharpJohn Playford 1687
Cecil Sharp 1916
no musicTriple Minor
Jenny Pluck PearsJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Circle
The Jockey #1John Playford 1688
Cecil Sharp 1922
Mrs. Beveridge's Triumph
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
Cold and Raw
Cold and Raw ~ RSCDSJohn Playford 1689
RSCDS 1929
no musicJ8×24 2C/4C
The Juice of BarleyJohn Playford 1689
Cecil Sharp 1916 Playford Ball
no musicDuple Minor


Kemp's JiggJohn Playford 1651
Douglas & Helen Kennedy (mod) 1929
no music3 Couple Circle
Kettle DrumJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2919
Old Friends
MGM and Reunion
The KnotJohn Playford 1686
George Williams 2023
no musicTriple Minor


Labour in Vain
Labour in VainJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways
Labour in VainJohn Playford 1651
The Playford Ball 1994 Playford Ball
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways
Labour in Vain ~ HumeJohn Playford 1651
Colin Hume 1995
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
Lady Banbury's Hornpipe
Lady Banbury's Hornpipe ~ Hume/SharpJohn Playford 1657
Colin Hume 2021
Colin HumeDuple Minor
Lady Banbury's Hornpipe ~ SharpJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1916
Colin HumeDuple Minor
Lady in the Dark
Lady in the Dark ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1657
Pat Shaw ~1965
no musicFacing Couples
Lady in the Dark ~ SharpJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicFacing Couples Becket
Lady Lye near MeJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2021
no musicDuple Minor
Lady SpellorJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
no music4 Couple Longways
Lady SpillersJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
no music4 Couple Longways
LavenaJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor
The London GentlewomanJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1986
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 2413
London is a Fine TownJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1911
no musicDuple Minor
The London MaidJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1986
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 2413
Lord of Carnarvon's Jigg
Lord of Carnarvon's Jigg ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1651
Pat Shaw 1959
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 3412
Lord of Carnarvon's Jigg ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 3412
Lord of Carnarvon's Jigg ~ WittmanJohn Playford 1651
Wittman ~1986 Playford Assembly
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 3412
The Lost HeartJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1922
no music3 Couple Longways
Love Lies A'BleedingJohn Playford 1686
Cecil Sharp 1916
no musicDuple Minor
Lull Me Beyond Thee
Lull Me Beyond TheeJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912 Playford Ball
At Home
Bare Necessities
4 Couple Longways
Lull Me Beyond Thee ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1651
Pat Shaw 1960
no music4 Couple Longways


Mad Robin
Mad Robin ~ Playford BallJohn Playford 1687
The Playford Ball 1994 Playford Ball
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
Mad Robin ~ SharpJohn Playford 1687
Cecil Sharp 1922
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
Mage on a Cree
Mage on a Cree ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1651
Pat Shaw 1961
Colin HumeSquare
Mage on a Cree ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
Colin HumeSquare
The Maid in the MoonJohn Playford 1670
Cecil Sharp 1922
no music3 Couple Circle
The Maid Peept out at the WindowJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1922 Playford Ball
no music6 Couple Longways
Maiden LaneJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp (mod) 1912 Playford Assembly
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Maids Morris
Maids Morris ~ HumeJohn Playford 1688
Colin Hume 2024 Playford Assembly
Colin HumeDuple Minor
Maids Morris ~ SharpJohn Playford 1688
Cecil Sharp 1916 Playford Assembly
Colin HumeDuple Minor
Mall Peatly ~ SharpJohn Playford 1670
Cecil Sharp 1922
no music4 Couple Longways
MarrinersJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2024
Strong Roots
Bare Necessities
Circle as many as will
The MaskJohn Playford 1688
Colin Hume ~1992
Colin HumeDuple Minor
The Merry Conceit  ~ Playford, SharpJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicFacing Couples Becket
The Merry Frolic ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1651
Pat Shaw 1964
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
The Merry Wassail
The Merry Wassail ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1651
Pat Shaw 1964
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
The Merry Wassail ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916 Playford Ball
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
The Merry Wassail ~ Sharp#1John Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
The Merry, Merry MilkmaidsJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912 Playford Ball
At Home
Bare Necessities
4 Couple Longways
The Milk-maid's BobJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2021
no musicDuple Minor
The Milke-Mayds BobbJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2021
no musicDuple Minor
Mill-FieldJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1922
no musicSquare
Millison's Jigg
Millison's Jigg ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 2000
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
Millison's Jigg ~ HumeJohn Playford 1651
Colin Hume 2011
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
Millison's Jigg ~ WilliamsJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2021
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
Mr. Webb's Fancy
Mr. Webb's Fancy ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1991 Playford Assembly
no music4 Couple Longways
Mr. Webb's Fancy ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911
no music4 Couple Longways
The Mulberry GardenJohn Playford 1670
Cecil Sharp 1922 Playford Assembly
At the Ball
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
The Mulberry MaidJohn Playford 1670
Charles Bolton 2000
no musicDuple Minor
MundesseJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1922
Old Friends
MGM and Reunion
3 Couple Circle
My Lady CullenJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911
Colin HumeDuple Minor


Never Love Thee More
Never Love Thee More ~ HumeJohn Playford 1679
Colin Hume 1996
At the Ball
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
Never Love Thee More ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1679
Pat Shaw 1968
At the Ball
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
Never Love Thee More ~ SharpJohn Playford 1679
Cecil Sharp (mod) 1922 Playford Assembly
At the Ball
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
New Bo-Peep
New Bo-Peep ~ BarracloughJohn Playford 1651
Michael Barraclough ~2017
no musicLongways as many as will
New Bo-Peep ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911
no musicLongways as many as will
The New ConceitJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicFacing Couples Becket
The New ExchangeJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no music3 Couple Longways
The New FigaryJohn Playford 1670
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicDuple Minor
New New NothingJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor
Newcastle ~ BarracloughJohn Playford 1651
Michael Barraclough 2001
Colin HumeSquare
Newcastle ~ HumeJohn Playford 1651
Colin Hume 2016
Colin HumeSquare
Newcastle ~ RevelsJohn Playford 1651
Santa Barbara Revels 2024
Colin HumeSquare
Newcastle ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
Colin HumeSquare
Newcastle ~ Sharp/HumeJohn Playford 1651
Comparing Cecil Sharp (1911) Colin Hume (2016)
no musicSquare
Newcastle UnitedJohn Playford 1651
Michael Barraclough 2001
Colin HumeSquare
The Night PieceJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1922
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
No-body's JiggJohn Playford 1679
Douglas & Helen Kennedy 1929
no musicDuple Minor
Nonesuch ~ BarracloughJohn Playford 1651
Michael Barraclogh ~1995
no music4 Couple Longways
Nonesuch ~ PalmerJohn Playford 1651
William Palmer 1987
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 4312
Nonesuch ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1651
Pat Shaw 1964
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 4312
Nonesuch ~ Playford BallJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp (mod) 1911 Playford Ball
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 4312
Nonesuch ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911
no music4 Couple Longways permutation: 4312
Nonesuch ~ WilliamsJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2022
no music4 Couple Longways
Northern Nancy
Northern Nancy ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1670
Charles Bolton 2000
no musicDuple Minor
Northern Nancy ~ KennedyJohn Playford 1670
Douglas & Helen Kennedy 1929
no musicDuple Minor


Oaken LeavesJohn Playford 1670
Cecil Sharp 1916
no musicSquare
The Old MoleJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912 Playford Ball
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
Old Simon the KingJohn Playford 1679
Andrew Shaw 2000
no musicDuple Minor
Open the Door to Three
Open the Door to ThreeJohn Playford 1652
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicCircle as many as will
Open the Door to Three ~ PfitzingerJohn Playford 1652
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicSquare
Oranges and Lemons
Oranges and Lemons ~ HumeJohn Playford 1657
Colin Hume 2020
Colin HumeSquare
Oranges and Lemons ~ SharpJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
Colin HumeSquare
Oranges and Limons
Oranges and Limons ~ HumeJohn Playford 1657
Colin Hume 2020
Colin HumeSquare
Oranges and Limons ~ SharpJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
Colin HumeSquare
The Oyle of BarleyJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1989
no music3 Couple Longways


Pall-MallJohn Playford 1686
Andrew Shaw 2017
New Friends
MGM and Reunion
Duple Minor
Parson upon Dorothy
Parson upon DorothyJohn Playford 1652
Charles Bolton 1992 Playford Assembly
no musicFacing Couples
Parson upon Dorothy ~ SharpJohn Playford 1652
Cecil Sharp 1922
no music4 Couple Longways
Parson's Farewell
Parson's Farewell ~ HumeJohn Playford 1651
Colin Hume 2020
At Home
Bare Necessities
Facing Couples Becket
Parson's Farewell ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
At Home
Bare Necessities
Facing Couples
Parthenia ~ HumeJohn Playford 1651
Colin Hume
At Home
Bare Necessities
Parthenia ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912 Playford Ball
At Home
Bare Necessities
The Passionate LoversJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor
Paul's SteepleJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor
Paul's WharfeJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor
Pell-MellJohn Playford 1686
Andrew Shaw 2017
New Friends
MGM and Reunion
Duple Minor
Pepper's BlackJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp (mod) 1922
no musicCircle as many as will
Petticoat WagJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1989
Fast Friends
Bare Necessities
4 Couple Longways
The PhoenixJohn Playford 1670
Cecil Sharp 1912 Playford Ball
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
Pickadilla ~ BarracloughJohn Playford 1651
Michael Barraclough ~2017
no musicLongways as many as will
Pickadilla ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911
no musicLongways as many as will
Pickadilly ~ BarracloughJohn Playford 1651
Michael Barraclough ~2017
no musicLongways as many as will
Pickadilly ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911
no musicLongways as many as will
Prince GeorgeJohn Playford 1686
Pat Shaw ~1965
Colin HumeDuple Minor
Prince Rupert's MarchJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916
no music4 Couple Longways
Punk's DelightJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor
The Punk's Delight (The New Way)John Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor
Put on Thy Smock a MondayJohn Playford 1670
Cecil Sharp 1916
no music3 Couple Circle
Putney FerryJohn Playford 1670
Cecil Sharp 1911
no music3 Couple Circle


Rockingham CastleJohn Playford 1679
Douglas & Helen Kennedy 1929
no musicDuple Minor
Row Well, Ye Mariners
Row Well, Ye Mariners ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1992 Playford Assembly
Strong Roots
Bare Necessities
Circle as many as will
Row Well, Ye Mariners ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
Strong Roots
Bare Necessities
7 Couple Longways
Row Well, Ye Mariners ~ Sharp/BoltonJohn Playford 1651
Comparing Cecil Sharp (1912) Charles Bolton (1992)
no musicSquare
Row Well, Ye Mariners ~ WilliamsJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2024
Strong Roots
Bare Necessities
Circle as many as will
Rufty TuftyJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
By Choice
Bare Necessities
Facing Couples


Sage Leaf
Sage Leaf ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1670
Charles Bolton 1985
no musicSquare
Sage Leaf ~ SharpJohn Playford 1670
Cecil Sharp (mod) 1922
no musicSquare
Saint Martin'sJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
no musicFacing Couples
St. Paul's SteepleJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor
The SarabandJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor
Saturday Night and Sunday MornJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1922
no musicDuple Minor
Scotch Cap
Scotch Cap ~ HumeJohn Playford 1651
Colin Hume 2023
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
Scotch Cap ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916 Playford Ball
Strong Roots
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways
SedanyJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911 Playford Ball
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
Sellenger's RoundJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1916 Playford Ball
Colin HumeCircle as many as will
The Shaking of the SheetsJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1922
no music3 Couple Longways permutation: 231
The Shepherd's Daughter
The Shepherd's DaughterJohn Playford 1652
Cecil Sharp 1922
no music4 Couple Longways
The Shepherd's DaughterJohn Playford 1652
Charles Bolton 1992 Playford Assembly
no musicFacing Couples
Shepherd's Holiday
Shepherd's Holiday ~ HumeJohn Playford 1651
Colin Hume 1995
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
Shepherd's Holiday ~ Playford BallJohn Playford 1651
The Playford Ball 1994 Playford Ball
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways
Shepherd's Holiday ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
3 Couple Longways
Siege of BudaJohn Playford 1689
George Williams 2022
no musicDuple Minor
The Silver FalconJohn Playford 1652
George Williams 2020
no musicTriple Minor
The Silver FaulkenJohn Playford 1652
George Williams 2020
no musicTriple Minor
Sion HouseJohn Playford 1686
Cecil Sharp 1922 Playford Assembly
Strong Roots
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
Sir Nicholas CullyJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor
SkellamefagoJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor
The SlipJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1922
no music4 Couple Longways
A Soldier's LifeJohn Playford 1651
George Williams 2022
no musicDuple Minor
Solomon's JiggJohn Playford 1652
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no music4 Couple Longways
Spanish Gypsie ~ SquareJohn Playford 1651
Bernard Bentley 1971
no musicSquare
The SpanyardJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no music4 Couple Longways
The Sparaguss GardenJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicFacing Couples Becket
Spring Garden
Spring Garden ~ Pat ShawJohn Playford 1657
Pat Shaw 1967
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
Spring Garden ~ SharpJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1912 Playford Ball
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
Staines MorrisJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911
no musicLongways as many as will
Stanes MorrisJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1911
no musicLongways as many as will
Step Stately
Step StatelyJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916 Playford Ball
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
Step Stately ~ HumeJohn Playford 1651
Colin Hume 1995
Colin Hume5 Couple Longways
Step Stately ~ Old Style Progression, 7 CoupleJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916
no music7 Couple Longways
Step Stately ~ PalmerJohn Playford 1651
William Palmer 1987
no music3 Couple Longways
Step Stately ~ Part 3, Quadruple 7 CoupleJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916
no musicQuadruple Minor
Step Stately ~ Part 3, Triple 7 CoupleJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916
no musicTriple Minor
Step Stately ~ Part 3, Whole Set 7 CoupleJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916
no music7 Couple Longways permutation: 2345671
StingoJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1989
no music3 Couple Longways
Strawberries and CreamJohn Playford 1657
Tom Cook 1975
no musicDuple Minor
Sweet KateJohn Playford 1670
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicDuple Minor
The Symphony
The SymphonyJohn Playford 1651
Philippe Callens ~2018
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
The Symphony ~ Playford BallJohn Playford 1651
The Playford Ball 1994 Playford Ball
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways
The Symphony ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916
Colin Hume4 Couple Longways


The Taylor's DaughterJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1989
Fast Friends
Bare Necessities
4 Couple Longways
Ten Pound Lass ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1670
Charles Bolton 1986
no music4 Couple Longways
Thomas You CannotJohn Playford 1670
George Williams 2023
no music4 Couple Longways
Tom TinkerJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor
Touch and TakeJohn Playford 1652
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicDuple Minor
The Twenty-Ninth of May
The Twenty-Ninth of May ~ HumeJohn Playford 1686
Colin Hume 1995
Colin HumeDuple Minor
The Twenty-Ninth of May ~ SharpJohn Playford 1686
Cecil Sharp 1911
Colin HumeDuple Minor
The TwinsJohn Playford 1657
Tom Cook 1975
no music4 Couple Longways


Under and OverJohn Playford 1652
Scott Pfitzinger 2019
no musicDuple Minor
Up Tails All
Up Tails AllJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicCircle as many as will
Up Tails All ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1985
no musicSquare
Up Tails All ~ Sharp #1John Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicCircle as many as will
Up Tails All ~ Sharp #2John Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicCircle as many as will
Up Tayles All
Up Tayles AllJohn Playford 1651
Charles Bolton 1985
no musicSquare
Up Tayles AllJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicCircle as many as will
Up Tayles AllJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicCircle as many as will
Up Tayles AllJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicCircle as many as will
Upon a Summer's Day
Upon a Summer's Day ~ Playford BallJohn Playford 1651
The Playford Ball 1994 Playford Ball
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways
Upon a Summer's Day ~ SharpJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1912
Colin Hume3 Couple Longways


Valentine's DayJohn Playford 1679
Pat Shaw 1966 Playford Assembly
Colin HumeDuple Minor
The Valiant CaptainJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no musicDuple Minor
ViennaJohn Playford 1686
Bernard Bentley 1965
no musicDuple Minor


Watton Town's EndJohn Playford 1657
Cecil Sharp 1911
no musicDuple Minor
The Way to Norwich (Kennedy)John Playford 1679
Douglas & Helen Kennedy 1929
A Playford Ball
Bare Necessities
Duple Minor
The Wedding NightJohn Playford 1651
The Playford Ball 1994 Playford Ball
At Home
Bare Necessities
Facing Couples
Well Hall
Well Hall ~ SimonsJohn Playford 1679
A. Simons ~1990
no musicDuple Minor
Well Hall ~ von CleefJohn Playford 1679
Frank von Cleef 1982 Playford Ball
no musicDuple Minor
WestmorelandJohn Playford 1686
Bernard Bentley 1965
no musicDuple Minor
What You Please - PlayfordJohn Playford 1657
Michael Barraclough ~2017
no musicDuple Minor
The WhirligigJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1916 Playford Assembly
no music3 Couple Longways
The WhishJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1922
no music3 Couple Longways
Winifred's KnotJohn Playford 1652
Cecil Sharp 1912
no musicCircle as many as will
The WishJohn Playford 1651
Cecil Sharp 1922
no music3 Couple Longways
The WitchesJohn Playford 1675
Colin Hume 1995
no musicDuple Minor
Wolverton Hall
Wolverton Hall ~ BentleyJohn Playford 1686
Bernard Bentley 1980
no musicDuple Minor
Wolverton Hall ~ BoltonJohn Playford 1686
Charles Bolton 1997
no musicDuple Minor
Wolverton Hall ~ CallensJohn Playford 1686
Philippe Callens 1996
no musicDuple Minor
WoodycockJohn Playford 1651
Scott Pfitzinger ~2019
no music3 Couple Longways
of dances
of interpretations
with music

This website is copyright © 2021-2025 by George W. Williams V
Creative Commons License My work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Most of the dances have more restrictive licensing, see my notes on copyright, the individual dance pages should mention when some rights are waived.